Thursday 16 May 2019

Emotional Well-being Oil Blending Workshop

On topic for Mental Health Week, last night I went to an 'Make and Take Workshop focusing on Emotional Well-Being' using DoTerra Essential Oils. The class was hosted by the lovely Nat, who let us explore her vast collection of oils to create a roller-ball blend that we could use to support us in our busy day-to-day lives!

It's always a joy going to Nat's house or I can imagine any Doterra Coaches' house for a class. Grapefruit and Wild Orange diffusing in the room with tranquil background music, homemade chocolates with Peppermint or Orange Oil, water with an oil of your choice (I'm now adding Lime to my to-buy list) and all the information and tools you need to get creating!

We started by going through how our Emotions are linked to our mind, our heart and our gut; it's all interlinked. It real hit home how true this is: when I'm stressed my mind is in over drive, my breathing is rapid or I tend to hold my breath without even realising it and my digestion slows completely making my body sluggish and nauseous. This is why in our fast paced world it's so important to tap in to how we are feeling, to check in with ourselves. Essential Oils can promote different positive emotions and when blended together create a perfect formula to support you in different situations that crop up in our lives. Not only can they benefit us internally I find just having the scent of them on me reminds me to stop, take a moment and breathe!


Nat let us flick through the 'I am Fabulous: Blends for Emotional Wellness' book written by Desiree Mangandog (she has a lot of letters after her name so she knows her stuff!) This book is gorgeous- full of lovely named blends for different purposes using a plethora of Doterra's essential oils; each page is illustrated with dreamy imagery that is beckoning to be coloured in! 

I am currently rehearsing for a production of Legally Blonde: The Musical performing at the end of June this year so discussing ideas with Nat we came up with the idea of using an oil blend that I could use before I go on stage. Something that would help me feel calm, free from fear, have mental clarity and confidence. Spearmint is the actor's/singer's/public speaker's oil of choice however it is currently not in Nat's collection so I settled on a blend called 'On My Path'. A blend that helps you to keep focused and trust in yourself and ticks all the boxes above! The language in the book is a little bit 'fluffy' but when you get passed that it is a really great book full of ideas with easy to follow recipes telling you how much of each drop to put in- some oils are more potent than others so just as well to have a guide!

Before you create your 'magic spell' it's sometimes worth opening all the tops and holding all the oils in your hands together, bringing them up to your nose and inhaling all of them at the same time to see if you like the scent. I did this for one recipe but wasn't too keen on the overall scent this is also useful if you are creating your own blend to test which oils go well together. So once all dropped by following the recipe I filled the bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil, put the top on and then the important (and fun) part- labelling the contents using the coloured stickers! (yes, I am still a child). 

Et Voila! My finished blend! 

So what does it smell of? 
Fresh and Fruity! 

First you can smell the calming Lavender and then the zingy citrus' come through. The Eucalyptus makes it smell fresh. I love that it uses Frankincense as this oil helps to drive the other oils into your bod. The Geranium is a subtle 'note' (lets use the fragrance lingo here) - only 1 drop as it is a potent oil. Juniper Berry and Hawaiian Sandalwood are sweet, woody scents which compliment the others well- it's like walking through an orchard and Lavender field... (yikes I'm starting to get 'fluffy' here- let's wrap this up)

Thank you Nat for such a fun and relaxing evening!

It's Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19th May). 
This year the theme is focusing on 'Body Image: How we think and feel about our bodies'.  
Find out more about HERE

Have you tried using Essential Oils before? What are your favourites? 
If you were to create a blend what would it be for and what would you add into it?
Comment Below- I'm interested to find out about your experience with oils! 

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