Monday 13 May 2019

Self-Care | Mental Health Awareness

"The actions that individuals take for themselves, on behalf of and with others in order to develop, protect, maintain and improve their health, wellbeing or wellness"- Self Care Forum

It's taken a while but in 2019 it seems fair to say we can finally be allowed to speak openly and publicly about our Mental Health.

An example of a sign of the times! A gap in your CV where you had 'time-out of work' is frowned upon by my parent's and previous generations whereas myself and my peers see this as 'grounding', a 'positive-step' and I am confident an employer would regard this a good thing; that you know yourself as a person and have clarity and determination in your goals.

We're all relating to each other more because, let's be real here- life ain't a breeze and we're all in this boat together which ever upbringing, culture or social status we're in. At the end of the day 'We all shit': this is quote from a Simon Amstell’s stand up gig.


I'm in the last few years of my 20s. If it was still the 20th Century I should have a clear plan of my career, have a family and be settled. Well, here we are in the present day, everything is too expensive and do I know how to 'adult'. No. Does it matter? NO! 

I believe the Internet, particularly Social Media is a huge detrimental factor to our Mental Health.
Our lives are in constant comparison to what everyone else is doing and achieving, it is so hard to switch-off and be content with what we have and where we are going in life. But at the same time we're constantly seeking approval and judgement for what we declare worthy to share with the world. 

Everything now is backed and validated with Social Media. Even TV- we don't just watch anymore. We follow the people's lives, we discuss it, we pick apart everything. We buy the merch, we try out the diet/exercise routines, we basically consume everything that everyone else is parading around. But what about ourselves? Are we forgetting about our uniqueness in the world? Can't we just listen to our bodies and take care of our own minds?

Finding what works for you takes time. In uni for my degree I had to write a 5 year plan. Had I not had a mini-breakdown in my second year in which I realised this was not the path for me, this would have been a
perfect opportunity to write out a business plan and set my career goals. However I plodded on for which I don't regret but it made me realise it's ok to change your route. I then carried on with a 5 days-a-week job. Sickness and stress ensued for the next 5 years. So I went part time for an 11 hour day job, 2-3 times a week. More sickness and fatigue. Perfect job on paper rolls into my life: doesn't work in practice! 6 years after student-life and I've finally found a job: 4 days a week that allows me to have a life outside of work. A life where I can relax, take time out of the rat-race and focus on Me. How am I doing this? Stay tuned!


This year Mental Health Awareness week (13th-19th May) is focusing on 'Body Image: How we think and feel about our bodies'. There are lots of ways to get involved: see here

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