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Monday 4 April 2016

Moving House Update

I have been successfully 'adult-ing' and in this past week I have crippled my bank balance with essential grown-up homeware purchases including a fancy black and cream microwave, a washer-dryer, wardrobe, fridge-freezer and a plethora (good word) of mugs (please people, I do not need any more mugs!!!), I have built* a sofa-bed and decluttered/sorted out my ever-amounting belongings and today caught up with changing my address with all the important peoples.

So I am now binge-watching animated cartoons. 

*as in 'supervised' the man-power who did most/all of it- thank you 'helpful man who shalt be named'.

This time last week I was spending my last day in my family home of 20 years and I can't say I miss it too much! Perhaps the novelty of having my own living space is still very fresh. Moving Day did not go too smoothly due to our solicitors buggering off to have lunch whilst my parents, the cats and I sat like lemons in our empty house waiting for them to finish and exchange the money across- the new family then started to move in to our old house even before we had left! So a little distressed and disgruntled we grabbed the cats, went to the Winchester, had a nice cold pint, and waited for all of it to blow over. (name that film!) Two hours later we were eventually able to go to the bungalow and weep at the amount of clutter we own and wonder how the hell it was all going to fit in this down-sized space we had just absentmindedly bought.

~Home Sweet Home~

Peggy (my pet hedgehog) had an equally difficult day as her sleepover at my Grandpa's house took a turn for the worst when she began to attempt hibernation (can be fatal for African Pgymy Hedgies). Thankfully due to my parent's prioritizing the cat's sleeping arrangement and neglecting their own offspring a place to sleep- I too was sleeping over at my Grandpa'- I was able to save the hog from death and warm her up.
Peggy's Eastery Resurrection

We have yet to meet the neighbours *bursts into 80s theme tune*...what is the etiquette for this? Do we wait for them to come round, living in fear of the time they choose to drop round- Should I make them tea and say 'here sit, pull up a box!', will I even be decent? They might catch me at a bad time! Should I expect a fruit basket or homemade stew like they seem to do in American films? Or do I, god forbid have to go round to them...!?

But overall the house, the location and everything else is super duper lovely and I'm having too much fun organizing my stuff and looking at rugs. 

Stay tuned for the obligatory Homeware Haul post soon! 
and a topical Peggy Pic. 

Laters Potatars.

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